Our Centre

Who we are

Blackwood Street Early Learning is extremely proud of who we are, our history and the values and passion that drives us. We are a strong community-based not-for-profit early childhood services provider with a history that reaches back to 1976.

Our Vision

To be a community focused, safe and happy learning environment.

Our Mission

  • Having dedicated and well trained staff
  • Establishing a positive and professional culture
  • Interactive relationships between staff, parents children & the community
  • Providing spacious outdoor play areas
  • Creating a comfortable and secure environment
  • Continuously re-investing in improving our centre
  • Contemporary education practices

INDIVIDUALS – We believe all children are individuals, who develop at their own pace and are treated with value and respect.

PLAY – Play is valued as the fundamental medium of young children’s learning and believe that it is central to an effective Early Childhood Curriculum

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT – Providing each child with a caring, enjoyable and secure environment that utilises developmentally appropriate and responsive play experiences to assist each child’s growth and learning.

INCLUSION – Children with additional needs will be provided opportunities to be integrated into the program, taking into account the child’s and families individual needs whilst promoting the centres overall wellbeing.

DIVERSITY – It is acknowledged that each child is part of a wider family and cultural structure that is valued and supported. Each family is to be appreciated for their individuality and their customs, beliefs and values are respected.

PARTNERSHIPS – Partnerships with families will be valued and believe that these relationships lead to a stronger understanding of the child, assisting in providing a program that meets the needs and interests of all children. Families will be provided with regular opportunities to input into the programs of the service.

INTERESTS – Children will be provided opportunities to contribute and express their ideas, views and interests as they are valued as competent and capable learners.

We value partnerships with families and believe that these lead to a stronger understanding of the child, assisting in providing a program that meets the needs and interests of all boys and girls. We will provide each family with opportunities for regular input into the program goals and the individual planning for their child. Their right for high quality care and education for their child is to be treated respectfully.

The community-based centre has large natural playgrounds; a convenient location near both rail and bus services; and spacious, fully air-conditioned indoor areas that are all ground level. All staff are highly qualified and enthusiastic – many of whom are long-term employees – and the in-house chef prepares the onsite meals.
Further, as a not-for-profit centre, everything is reinvested back into the centre.

  • Not-for-profit Centre
  • Large natural playgrounds
  • Convenient location near rail and bus
  • Spacious indoor areas
  • Fully air-conditioned
  • Community based Centre
  • Highly qualified and enthusiastic staff
  • Very experienced long term staff
  • On site meals prepared by our Chef
  • All facilities on ground level

Housewives Association formed at the end of World War 2
1949 Mitchelton Child Care Centre opened in Kedron Ave leased site
1960 Preschool/Kindergarten opened next to Child Care Centre
1960 Name change to Mitchelton Kindergarten & Child Care Centre
1966 Rebuilt Child Care Centre opened on Kedron Ave
1970 New Full Day Care Building Opened on Kedron Ave
1970 Name changed to Mitchelton Preschool Association
1970 Kedron Ave site had space for 105 children/babies
1974 Land purchased at 117 Blackwood Street and approvals granted for construction
1976 31 January 1976 Day Care Centre opens in Blackwood Street
1976 Name changed to Mitchelton Community Preschool Association
1976 Kedron Ave site becomes kindergarten only with 150 children
1976 Purchased 64 McConaghy Street for neighbourhood centre
1977 Building alterations to McConaghy Street
1978 Blackwood Street granted affiliation with C & K
1978 Association granted with Letters Patent establishing a body corporate
1978 The neighbourhood centre (also named the Prior Centre after Bert & Beth Prior) was opened 22 April
1982 Adventure playground developed in McConaghy Street site
1984 Fort Moff constructed in McConaghy Street site in memory of Kevin Moffat
1988 Neighbourhood centre changed to long day care.
1991 Change in names for the Day Care and Neighbourhood Centre to Blackwood Street Child Centre and McConaghy Street Child Centre
1992 Lease and buildings for Kedron Ave handed over to new association called Mitchelton Community Kindergarten Association
1994 Blackwood Street roof replaced
2015 Wifi introduced throughout the Centre, all rooms and office spaces online. Online check in and out introduced for children, online rostering added.
2016 Renovations of the Wombats and Kookaburras Rooms
2017 Renovation of the commercial kitchen
2019 Name changed to Blackwood Street Early Learning